Water in a Box

With all the problems of single use plastics and the ever growing mountain of plastic water bottles especially, why did no-one ever think of this before?   We have milk cartons, a multitude of different juices in cartons so why not water?  Water in a box is so, so obvious!

Available in the UK: Vivid Water in a Box  comes in four flavours: Plain, Strawberry, Lemon & Lime, Orange & Peach.

Water in a Box is already being stocked in across the country including London Zoo, SuperDrug and Tesco, look out for it or lobby your local supermarket to get them to stock some!


If you are travelling abroad, the US version is Boxed Water and they also have a Trees Replanting scheme – simply post a photo of Boxed Water on Instagram with the #ReTree hashtag and they will plant 2 trees on your behalf!